The Woman in Black

At the risk of making this just another node about some girl, tonight I met this beautiful strong black woman in a strikingly low-cut black dress with cleavage that made me consciously focus on her eyes so as not to be seen as the horrendous curr that deep down all men are. She was sparkling and smiled at me and we exchanged pleasantries and she confided in me that she had spent eight years as a stand up comedian but she spoke of her time on stage in the past tense and so I delicately pressed the issue. She had to give it up for personal reasons and then she explained what they were but I won't disclose that here because I am a gentleman.

And I explained to her that at one time I attempted to be a comedian so I admire anyone who successfully did it for eight years. I never made it to the stage.

"Why not?" She asked inquisitively.

"Well I found out I'm not funny."

She laughed politely in response to that and then added, "well at least you found that out in time. There's comedians out there now who are on the stage in front of an audience and they're making money at it and they're not funny at all."

Then she introduced me to her husband and I mentioned that I thought Jay Mohr wasn't funny. She disagreed with me. We started talking about something else, and then someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around...

I lost her in the crowd after that...

Her words are haunting me now though, and I'm having difficulty going to sleep. There are people out there less funny than me making more money than me doing what I wanted to do. They took that chance and I didn't. That's the only difference. "There's comedians out there now who are on the stage in front of an audience and they're making money at it and they're not funny at all."

I suddenly wish I could go back in time eight years and kick myself in the ass.

This piece was originally located at a node called The Woman In Black but has been circumvented to a daylog against my request.