The kingdom protista is the most diverse of all kindoms. It is composed of microscopic eukaryotic organisms, which are often hard to put in another kingdom. It is divided into 3 categories:

1. Protozoans
2. Algae
3. Slime Molds and Downey Mildew

1. The genus protozoa is composed of those protists who are most like animals. It is divided further into:

Ciliophora: protists who move using cilia, tiny hair like structures.
Zoomastigina: protists who move using flagella, longer whip like structures
Sarcodina: protists who move using pseudopodia, extentions of their cytoplasm
Sporozoa: protists who are non-motile and generally live as parasites

2. Algae are protists that are most like plants. They are divided as follows:

Euglenophyta: special protists that are both autotrophic and heterotrophic and use euglenoid movement.

Baciliariophyta: protists with a Silicon Dioxide shell which make up most phytophlankton. ex. Diatoms
Dinoflagellates: protists with a cellulose shell which use flagella to move.

Chlorophyta: green algae w/ pigment chlorophyll
Rhadophta: red algae w/ pigment phycobilin
Phaophyta: brown algae w/ pigment fucoxanthin

3. Slime molds and downey mildew are the really strange of the really strange. They are divided as follows:

Myxomycota: cellular slime molds
Acrasiomycota: plasmodial slime molds

Oomycota: downey mildews and water molds

A good place to get pictures of protists is: