Album by
The Chemical Brothers.
Track listing:
- Get up on it like this (Dust Brothers remix)
- Chemical Beats (Dave Clark remix)
- Breaking up (12 inch promo)
- Loops of fury (12 inch promo)
- Life is sweet (Daft Punk remix)
- Leave home (Underworld remix 1)
- Block rocking beats (Micronauts bonus beats)
- Terminal tower
- If you kling to me, I klong to you
- Leave home (Chemical Brothers mix)
- Block rocking beats (Micronauts edit)
- Leave home (Underworld remix 2)
- Music-response (Futureshock Main response)
Essentially, it's just a few unreleased songs with some cool remixes thrown in. That said, if you can get your hands on a copy, buy it. The Underworld remixes of Leave home are especially good.
There's two versions of this album, released a year apart. You probably want the second one, because it's got all 13 tracks (instead of the first 12 of the first release). There also seems to be two versions of cover art for the first version, too - first has Tom and Ed's faces on the cover, the second is a swirly red psychedelica type thing, and the second release is another swirly white psychedelic pattern with what looks like repetitions of the Come with us cover on it.