Updated 15/11/01

These are the most important characters in the futuristic anime series Vandread and Vandread The Second Stage (to bad there doesn't seem to be a third season coming up). Most of them also appear in the Vandread manga but it follows a different story line to the anime series. The most important characters have their own write-ups linked from here but for the lesser characters i thought that one node dedicated to them all was more expedient.

Dita Liebely Age 16, Apprentice Dread Pilot. See node.

Hibiki Tokai Age 16, Bangata/Vangaurd Pilot. See node.

Meia Gisborn Age 19, Leader Dread Pilot. See node

Gascoyne Rheingau Age 32, Armourer.
One of the more level headed characters in the series, Gascoyne is the munitions and equipment expert aboard the Nirvana. Her and her Kurokos run the armoury somewhat like a McDonalds store ("would you like homing missiles with that?"), restocking the dreads both on board and in the field. Dislikes being called Gasco (although everybody seems to call her that anyway :), also good at card games.

Jura Basil Elden Age 20, Dread Pilot.
Seems to be one of the more senior dread pilots. Obsessed with her appearance and being ‘cool’. Her dread is one of three that can link with Hibiki's bangata to create a defensive oriented vandread

Barnette Orangello Age 18, Dread Pilot.
Appears to be Jura's sidekick of sorts, they are almost always together and may even be 'going out'.

Bart Garsus Age 16, Navigator/Helmsman.
3rd Generation owner of Garusa food corp. Always trying to push his products onto people (to bad that they taste awful :). His actual job is as the helsman/navigator of the Nirvana

Duero McFile Age 17, Doctor.
A quiet and observant man Duero is the ships doctor in place of the ship's medical systems which were taken offline by the merging with the men's ship Ikazuchi. He and Parfet seem to have struck up a friendship

Parfet Balblair Age 18, Chief Engineer.
Classic anime girl geek, huge glasses and all. Takes an interest in anything mechanical. Her and Duero have formed some kind of friendship, it will be interesting to see where it might go in future seasons.

Magno Vivan (Boss) Age 108, Captain, Referred to as Boss throughout the series
The captain of the pirate ship Nirvana, very old but also very capable.

Buzam A. Calessa (BC) Age 28, Second in Command
Known as BC. Very serious about her job even when the rest of the crew are distracted by celebrations and other such frivolous matters

Paiway Underberg Age 11, Nurse.
Supposedly the nurse among the pirate crew Pai seems to have little or no actual medical knowledge at all. She does however keep tabs on the actions of the male characters in Vandread with her notepad and camera. Pai check!

Misty Cornwall Age 14 (season 2)
A young girl who was rescued by the crew of the Nirvana from the Karitori (reaping in Japanese). Her mission seems to be to find allies in the scattered human collonies so that the humans of earth (the Karitori) can be stopped. She takes an immediate liking to Hibiki, much to the displeasure of Dita

Pyoro (Automatic Unit 6)
An old robot, he was damaged when the Ikazuchi was attacked by the pirates and as a result he now feels emotions. Named Pyoro by Parfet he seems to be linked to the Nirvana. Very Kawaii!!

Rabat (Rat Bastard)
Says he is a trader but may not be all he seems...

Ezra Vieil Age 24, Bridge Crew
One of the bridge crew on board the Nirvana. She is pregnant, not to BC as i suggested earlier but to another of the female pirates. (well it's kind like cloning or somthing, no not like that ecchi baka!)

The information here was gathered from the series itself and from
(and no it wasn’t cut and pasted!!)