WD-40 can be useful, but I've found several problems with it that make me hesitate before I grab the can and spray.

  • Attracts dust- I once used it on an office chair to stop squeaking. Worked great, but a month later the mechanism of my chair was furrier than a maine coon kitty on Rogaine. Not only that, but...
  • Doesn't work for very long - The aforementioned squeaking chair started to squeak again a month later. Maybe it was because of all the dust? I don't know, but machine oil was effective for much longer; it was just more difficult to apply.
  • Makes a mess - Anyone who's used WD-40 can attest to this. It drips all over the place, goes exactly where you don't want it to go, and so on. It also...
  • Smells real bad - Ugh! It's the most nasty smell in the Universe! And it lingers for days!

WD-40 may be useful, but keep these disadvantages in mind before laying it on thick.