Also know as Deirdre of the Sorrows

The most tragic heroine in all of Irish legend, Deirdre was the most beautiful woman in the world, and one who bore the curse that only sorrow would come from her beauty. The warriors of the Irish north, on hearing the prophecy at her birth demanded her death. But the Ulster king Conchobar, pitying her, sent her into exile.

As she grew into the lovely woman prophecy had foreseen, Deirdre lived happily enough in her exile. One day, though, she saw blood on the snowy ground and a raven nearby. Instantly she remembered a dream she had, of a young man with the same coloring: black hair, white skin, and red lips. She sank into depression until her nurse Lavercam told her of Naoise, who lived with his brothers Ardan and Ainle, nearby. Lavercam arranged a secret meeting, and Deirdre, literally seeing the man of her dreams, demanded that he free her from her woodland exile.

They fled to Scotland, where they took refuge with a noble family. But Deirdre attracted the attention of the king, who laid plans to steal her from her lover. To avoid this, Deirdre and Naoisse, together with his brothers, fled to the coast. There they lived a rugged but happy life, until rumor reached them that Conchobar would welcome them back into Ireland. But the rumor had been deliberately planted; the king, angry at having his captive run away, wanted her back for evil purposes.

Deirdre knew by intuition that if they returned to Ireland, tragedy would follow. But Naoise was a proud man, loyal to his king, and he overruled his lover. The party of four sailed across to Ireland while Deirdre continued to see gloomy portents, including a blood red cloud. Naoise and his brothers, however, continued to ignore her warnings.

Alas for them all, Deirdre's premonitions proved correct. Through treachery, Naoise and his brothers were murdered by the warriors of Canchobar; Deirdre herself was taken captive. Submitting to her captures, Deirdre saw that she had one way out. So, as she was being transported to the king in a speedy chariot, she suddenly stood up and let her head smash against a tree.