For a given implication a implies b, the converse is b implies a. The converse is logically equivalent to the inverse, just as the implication is logically equivalent to its contrapositive. An example implication is "If I win the lottery, then I will buy a boat," and its converse is "If I buy a boat, then I have won the lottery." Below is a truth table for an implication and its converse:
 a | b | a --> b | b --> a 
 T | T |    T    |    T
 T | F |    F    |    T
 F | T |    T    |    F
 F | F |    T    |    T
From the above, it should be clear that an implication and its converse are not usually equivalent; in fact, the only time they are equivalent is in the situation a iff b (a if and only if b).