I would like for you, please, to tell me a story--something true and good...
I've allowed myself to get entirely too caught up in someone I knew better than to allow myself to get caught up in and I'm muddled.
"Oooh dear" you said, and told me a story about the rain and, i think, want.

The next bit went like this...

Always, Jack, you have the best stories.
Maybe I never told you that, but you do.

(how odd that i typed out your name.
i generally don't care to address
anyone by name until i've
touched them.)

and you said this...

"Right, like you haven't touched me."

M onths ago, you asked me a question:

Can you teach me to dance?

I would have to say yes.

this is it. this is dancing, these words.

Then I can teach you to sing.

hm--you most likely could not.
but you could let me hear you sing.

you inspire me to sing, i want you to know,
but the words catch in my throat. lost.

You've heard me sing.

I haven't.
(Have I?)

Depends on your definitions.

That was a most fair win on your part.


I was raised to view my body merely as a vessel for carrying my thoughts around in. Dancing seems...
unnatural. I think I'd like to change that.

(me: odd how sadness causes so many body systems to become upset
you: so does joy)


I t's my turn to offer insight:

should you begin without me,
my first advice is to dance with your eyes closed.

your question deserved an answer.
this is only the beginning of one...