There was a fork in the road and in both directions there were playgrounds. They were not like any playgrounds I had ever seen, they were far bigger. Each one was nearly a castle, and each one was different. One was an endless maze of plastic tunnels; another was a series of wooden platforms several stories high. The tallest one was to the left; it was a tree fort, attached to a giant sequoia several hundred feet high; ladders and platforms went all the way to the top. A play pirate ship hung down nose first from one of the branches, threatening to fall dozens of feet if anyone dared to enter it.

The entire place was vacant except for a single girl standing under the sequoia. She had her hair combed perfectly, was wearing a leather jacket and leopard pants and had on a great deal of make up. She was unbelievably still and kept a stiff posture and an expressionless face. When I got closer I recognized her.

She was in my grade, a sophomore at the high school. She had mentioned a new boyfriend; she must be waiting for him.

"I left my bike at someone's house, do you think you know which road I should take?" On my way to school I had stopped at some stranger's house because they knew me somehow. My memory blacked out when I was on my way to school from there.

"There's no houses that way," she pointed to the right, "so it must be down this road." Her voice was flat and distant.

"Ok, thanks." I followed the road for a mile until I got to a house with my bike laying in the yard. The yard was empty this time, as well as every other yard I passed down the entire road. My home was empty when I got to it.


That's where I woke up. I feel that there was a story to all this, it was so vivid and I remember it so well, but it doesn't have an ending. I hate dreams like that, I feel like I can't just make up an ending, that wouldn't be how it would end, but it's unlikely I'd ever have that dream again so I'll never know how it ends. It's sort of like life, you can never know how it ends.