Usually, gleekage is accidental. You yawn, and the next thing you know, your desk has a small puddle of something wet on it.

It doesn't have to be like this.

With a bit of practice, you can gleek like the pros. Here is anotherone's guide to gleeking:

  1. First of all, be sure that you're in an area that will not be damaged by a little spit. Places not to be:Try to have a mirror handy.
  2. Yawn. You must yawn a really big yawn before gleeking. Experienced gleek masters can gleek with only the minimal tiny yawn, but that takes years of practice. Someday, Grasshopper.
  3. As soon as the yawn dies, open your mouth about an inch and push your tongue up against the roof of your mouth. Finding the exact spot to pull your tongue to is tricky- try to get it about where the hard part of your mouth turns soft or a little past.
  4. Here's the hard part: While holding your tongue against the top of your mouth, push outwards as if you're trying to force something out of your mouth. Don't get frustrated if you can't do it right off- It's hard!
  5. You should have sent a spray of saliva all over the mirror or whatever is right in front of you.
  6. With practice, you can aim the stream, control your distance (my record is about ten feet.), and shoot with little or no visible yawn.

    I hope this HOWTO has been helpful, and Happy Gleeking!