As the Holy Bible states, God is beyond our comprehension and beyond our ability to perceive. Therefore, it is not God that is multifaceted, but our perception of him, as we cannot perceive the fullness of God.

Consider a bright, white light shining into a large room with no other light source. In order to get into the room, the light must pass through an infinitely faceted non-uniform prism, where it is refracted. If all the people in the world are standing in this room, they will each see a different pattern of light, and having no other reference to what light is, they will describe the light based upon what they see. Of course, people standing near each other in this room may see similar patterns, but each person's vision of the light is unique and has inherent value. However, nobody has the complete truth.

Such is the nature of God. Our communal intellects filter our perception of God, and we often limit ourselves to an interpretation of God that suits our personal vision. Although that is good, it also does not comprise absolute truth, and does not necessarily negate the truth of the vision of another. It is theoretically possible that if all the people of the world, Christians, Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans, Agnostics, and the rest truly pooled our visions of God and combined those visions into one, we would be able to combine them to understand the truth of God, much as a second prism, properly placed, can unify refracted light to make it white once more.

Instead of pursuing this goal, we declare jihad on one another, attempting to prove the truth of one vision by eradication of those who believe another. Or, we stand in the pulpits, preaching eternal damnation upon those who do not believe the same as we do.

Would it not be better to celebrate the amazing and beautiful world we live in, and give thanks to whatever we perceive the Supreme Being to be?