The basis of the Riemann integral. Given a function f:[a,b]->R, a partition P={a=x0<x1<...<xn=b} of the interval [a,b], and points C={ci∈[xi-1,xi] : i=1,...,n}, we wish to approximate (what will eventually become) the Riemann integral ∫ab f(x)dx.

The Riemann sum of f with respect to the above partition {xi} and points {ci} is the sum

I(f;x0,...,xn;c1,...,cn) = ∑i=1n (xi-xi-1)f(ci)
That is, approximate the value of f in each subinterval of the partition by its value at some point in the subinterval (this might make sense e.g. if f is continuous), and replace the area under f in the subinterval with the area of the rectangle of that height on the interval.

Define d(P)=max {xi-xi-1: i=1,...,n}. The Riemann integral exists iff there exists a limit for the values I(f;P;C) as d(P) -> 0. That is, there is some value I such that for any ε>0 there exists some δ>0 such that if d(P)<δ and we pick any points ci ∈ [xi-1,xi] we have that

|I-I(f;P;C)| < ε.
In such a case, I is the value of the Riemann integral.

In other words, we can guarantee that a Riemann sum will be a good approximation of the integral of a (Riemann-integrable!) function merely by forcing the partition to be fine enough.