Yet more evidence of the short-sighted nature of humans in general. As more non-technical folks make their weary way to the internet I've noticed so many sign-on names and email addresses that contain date-sensitive information. Hello - if you put a bit of info in your handle that changes on an annual basis it will be obsolete in a maximum of one year!!!!

Take, for example, all of the hotmail accounts that have 99 or 2000 in them - like SassyLass99 or HotStud2000. Sure they're fine now - but what about four or five years from now? Will these folks want to be identified by a moniker that's five years old? Will they still be sassy or hot? Worse still are people who use their age...

The main conclusion I draw from this is that people regard their online identity as volitile and inconstant. They don't want to have the same email account for five years or even six months. Good luck trying to keep in touch...