Now, you're hanging around on everything, so I know you've got spare time on your hands.

Plain M&Ms are much fun for the intellectually challenged (or 'everything' affected) people of today's world. Basically you grab two of them between your thumb and forefinger and gently apply pressure until one of them breaks, you immediately eat this 'faulty' one and continue. By the end of the 600g packet you are probably very bored, but you have also found the strongest one in the whole pack! After you have continued using the 'winner' of the pack with other packs you will have a very strong M&M's (and a very stagnant brain, as well as a full stomach.)

When you think the time is right, you can pop the 'ultimate winner' in an envelope (the special padded ones of course) and send it to the head office, with a note saying: "Please use for breeding purposes."

Now that this process is complete you may return to compulsive noding...

The International M&M's Intelligence Center...