A Short Synopsis of Confucian Philosophy

Confucius' philosophy is based on groupism. Everyone is in multile groups, beginning with the family and including school, clubs, friends, collegues, society, the nation, and humanity.

Ranking in a group is with age and wisdom or education. Thus, a leader should be wise and therefore virtuous, for they cannot expect from their followers what they do not do themselves.

Loyalty flows up and down and sideways on the heirarchy. This loyalty includes respect, aid, support, and a common identification.

What is intriguing about Confucius is that he also says that hate is a virtue. He said that one should hate those who undermine society, those who do wrong. This does not lessen his advocation of love for humanity, but rather reinforces it with the faith that people will do right.

Note the inherent difference to Western individualism. It is important when learning about Confucius to leave your preconceptions of individualism behind and to approach Confucius with an open mind. Think of his idea of groupism as giving to a group that will in turn give back to you.