Unicode version 3.2 was officially released on March 27, 2000. The previous version was Unicode 3.1 and the next version is Unicode 4.0.

The Unicode Standard, Version 3.2.0 is defined by: The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0 (Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 2000. ISBN 0-201-61633-5), as amended by the Unicode Standard Annex #27: Unicode 3.1 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr27/) and the Unicode Standard Annex #28: Unicode 3.2 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr28/)

The primary feature of Unicode 3.2 is the addition of 1016 new encoded characters. These additions consist of several Philippine scripts, a large collection of mathematical symbols, and small sets of other letters and symbols. 

All of the newly encoded characters in Unicode 3.2 are additions to the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). That is, their code points are less than 0x10000. This is in contrast to Unicode 3.1, which added many characters in the supplementary planes, with code points greater than 0x10000.

Most notable among the corrigenda to the Standard is a further tightening of the definition of UTF-8, to eliminate irregular UTF-8 and to bring the Unicode specification of UTF-8 more completely into line with other specifications of UTF-8. 

The former UTR #21, Case Mappings has been upgraded in status to a Unicode Standard Annex in Unicode 3.2. This means that UAX #21, Case Mappings is now formally a part of the Unicode Standard.

The character U+2060 has been added to the standard to allow unambiguous expression of the word-joining semantics. U+2060 Word Joiner is now the preferred character to express the word-joining semantics implied by U+FEFF Zero Width No Break Space. The availability of U+2060 makes it unnecessary to use U+FEFF as a zero-width non-breaking space, allowing U+FEFF to be used solely with the semantic of Byte Order Mark.

Some of the differences between 3.2 and the previous version, 3.1.1, are as follows :

New Code Blocks

12 new code blocks were added in 3.2

U+0500 to U+052F   Cyrillic Supplementary 16/48
U+1700 to U+171F   Tagalog 20/32
U+1720 to U+173F   Hanunoo 23/32
U+1740 to U+175F   Buhid 20/32
U+1760 to U+177F   Tagbanwa 18/32
U+27C0 to U+27EF   Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols A 28/48
U+27F0 to U+27FF   Supplemental Arrows A 16/16
U+2900 to U+297F   Supplemental Arrows B 128/128
U+2980 to U+29FF   Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols B 128/128
U+2A00 to U+2AFF   Supplemental Mathematical Operators 256/256
U+31F0 to U+31FF   Katakana Phonetic Extensions 16/16
U+FE00 to U+FE0F   Variation Selectors 16/16


New Characters

Excluding those in the new code blocks, there were 331 new characters added in Unicode 3.2

Number of characters in each General Category :

Letter, Uppercase          Lu :  9
Letter, Lowercase          Ll : 11
Letter, Modifier           Lm :  1
Letter, Other              Lo : 70
Mark, Non-Spacing          Mn : 20
Mark, Enclosing            Me :  1
Number, Other              No : 50
Punctuation, Dash          Pd :  1
Punctuation, Open          Ps :  9
Punctuation, Close         Pe :  9
Punctuation, Other         Po : 10
Symbol, Math               Sm : 68
Symbol, Currency           Sc :  3
Symbol, Other              So : 64
Separator, Space           Zs :  1
Other, Format              Cf :  4

Number of characters in each Bidirectional Category :

LeftToRight                L : 87
RightToLeftArabic         AL :  5
EuropeanNumberTerminator  ET :  2
NonSpacingMark           NSM : 21
BoundaryNeutral           BN :  4
Whitespace                WS :  1
OtherNeutrals             ON :211

The columns below should be interpreted as :

  1. The Unicode code for the character
  2. The character in question
  3. The Unicode name for the character
  4. The Unicode General Category for the character
  5. The Unicode Bidirectional Category for the character

If the characters below show up poorly, or not at all, see Unicode Support for possible solutions.


Latin Extended B

     Miscellaneous additions

U+0220  Ƞ Latin capital letter N with long right leg Lu L
* Lakota
ref U+019E Latin small letter N with long right leg (Latin Extended B)


Combining Diacritical Marks

     Grapheme joiner

U+034F  ͏ combining grapheme joiner Mn NSM
* has no visible glyph
* indicates that adjoining characters are to be treated as a graphemic unit

     Medieval superscript letter diacritics

U+0363  ͣ combining Latin small letter A Mn NSM
U+0364  ͤ combining Latin small letter E Mn NSM
U+0365  ͥ combining Latin small letter I Mn NSM
U+0366  ͦ combining Latin small letter O Mn NSM
U+0367  ͧ combining Latin small letter U Mn NSM
U+0368  ͨ combining Latin small letter C Mn NSM
U+0369  ͩ combining Latin small letter D Mn NSM
U+036A  ͪ combining Latin small letter H Mn NSM
U+036B  ͫ combining Latin small letter M Mn NSM
U+036C  ͬ combining Latin small letter R Mn NSM
U+036D  ͭ combining Latin small letter T Mn NSM
U+036E  ͮ combining Latin small letter V Mn NSM
U+036F  ͯ combining Latin small letter X Mn NSM


Greek and Coptic

     Archaic letters

U+03D8  Ϙ Greek letter archaic koppa Lu L
U+03D9  ϙ Greek small letter archaic koppa Ll L
* the Q-shaped archaic koppas are the ordinary alphabetic letters

     Greek symbols

U+03F6  ϶ Greek reversed lunate epsilon symbol Sm ON
sgml ϶
aka reversed straight epsilon
ref U+220D small contains as member (Mathematical Operators)



     Extended Cyrillic

U+048A  Ҋ Cyrillic capital letter short i with tail Lu L
U+048B  ҋ Cyrillic small letter short i with tail Ll L
* Kildin Sami
U+04C5  Ӆ Cyrillic capital letter el with tail Lu L
U+04C6  ӆ Cyrillic small letter el with tail Ll L
* Kildin Sami
U+04C9  Ӊ Cyrillic capital letter en with tail Lu L
U+04CA  ӊ Cyrillic small letter en with tail Ll L
* Kildin Sami
U+04CD  Ӎ Cyrillic capital letter em with tail Lu L
U+04CE  ӎ Cyrillic small letter em with tail Ll L
* Kildin Sami



     Archaic letters

U+066E  ٮ Arabic letter dotless beh Lo AL
U+066F  ٯ Arabic letter dotless qaf Lo AL



     Consonant for Addu dialect

U+07B1  ޱ Thaana letter naa Lo AL



     Additional letters for Mingrelian and Svan

U+10F7  ჷ Georgian letter yn Lo L
U+10F8  ჸ Georgian letter elifi Lo L


General Punctuation

     Double punctuation for vertical text

U+2047  ⁇ double question mark Po ON

     General punctuation

U+204E  ⁎ low asterisk Po ON
ref U+002A asterisk (Basic Latin)
U+204F  ⁏ reversed semicolon Po ON
sgml ⁏
ref U+003B semicolon (Basic Latin)
U+2050  ⁐ close up Po ON
* editing mark
U+2051  ⁑ two asterisks aligned vertically Po ON
U+2052  ⁒ commercial minus sign Sm ON
aka abz?glich (German), med avdrag av (Swedish), piska (Swedish, "whip")
* a common glyph variant and fallback representation looks like ./.
* may also be used as a dingbat to indicate correctness
* used in Finno-Ugric Phonetic Alphabet to indicate a related borrowed form with different sound
ref U+0025 percent sign (Basic Latin)
ref U+066A Arabic percent sign (Arabic)
U+2057  ⁗ quadruple prime Po ON
sgml ⁗


U+205F    medium mathematical space Zs WS
* four-eighteenths of an em

     Formatting character

U+2060  ⁠ word joiner Cf BN
sgml ⁠
* a zero width non-breaking space (only)
* intended for disambiguation of functions for byte order mark
ref U+FEFF zero width no break space (Arabic Presentation Forms B)

     Invisible operators

U+2061  ⁡ function application Cf BN
sgml ⁡
* contiguity operator indicating application of a function
U+2062  ⁢ invisible times Cf BN
sgml ⁢
* contiguity operator indicating multiplication
U+2063  ⁣ invisible separator Cf BN
sgml ⁣ ⁣
aka invisible comma
* contiguity operator indicating that adjacent mathematical symbols form a list, e.g. when no visible comma is used between multiple indices


Superscripts and Subscripts


U+2071  ⁱ superscript Latin small letter I Ll L


Currency Symbols

     Currency symbols

U+20B0  ₰ german penny sign Sc ET
* Pfennig in Germany
U+20B1  ₱ peso sign Sc ET
* Peso in the Philippines
* Philippines
* the Mexican peso is indicated with the dollar sign
ref U+20A7 peseta sign (Currency Symbols)


Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols

     Additional enclosing diacritics

U+20E4  ⃤ combining enclosing upward pointing triangle Me NSM
ref U+25B3 white up pointing triangle (Geometric Shapes)

     Additional diacritical marks for symbols

U+20E5  ⃥ combining reverse solidus overlay Mn NSM
ref U+005C reverse solidus (Basic Latin)
U+20E6  ⃦ combining double vertical stroke overlay Mn NSM
aka z notation finite function diacritic
ref U+2016 double vertical line (General Punctuation)
U+20E7  ⃧ combining annuity symbol Mn NSM
aka actuarial bend
ref U+2309 right ceiling (Miscellaneous Technical)
U+20E8  ⃨ combining triple underdot Mn NSM
U+20E9  ⃩ combining wide bridge above Mn NSM
aka contraction operator
* extends the full width of the base character
ref U+0346 combining bridge above (Combining Diacritical Marks)
U+20EA  ⃪ combining leftwards arrow overlay Mn NSM
ref U+2190 leftwards arrow (Arrows)


Letterlike Symbols

     Additional letterlike symbols

U+213D  ℽ double struck small gamma Ll L
U+213E  ℾ double struck capital gamma Lu L
U+213F  ℿ double struck capital pi Lu L

     Double-struck large operator

U+2140  ⅀ double struck n ary summation Sm ON

     Additional letterlike symbols

U+2141  ⅁ turned sans serif capital g Sm ON
aka game
U+2142  ⅂ turned sans serif capital l Sm ON
U+2143  ⅃ reversed sans serif capital l Sm ON
U+2144  ⅄ turned sans serif capital y Sm ON

     Double-struck italic mathematical symbols

U+2145  ⅅ double struck italic capital d Lu L
sgml ⅅ
* sometimes used for the differential
U+2146  ⅆ double struck italic small d Ll L
sgml ⅆ
* sometimes used for the differential
U+2147  ⅇ double struck italic small e Ll L
sgml ⅇ
* sometimes used for the natural exponent
U+2148  ⅈ double struck italic small i Ll L
sgml ⅈ
* sometimes used for the imaginary unit
U+2149  ⅉ double struck italic small j Ll L
* sometimes used for the imaginary unit

     Additional letterlike symbols

U+214A  ⅊ property line So ON
U+214B  ⅋ turned ampersand Sm ON
* used in linear logic
ref U+0026 ampersand (Basic Latin)
ref U+00BC vulgar fraction one quarter (Latin-1 Supplement)
ref U+00BD vulgar fraction one half (Latin-1 Supplement)
ref U+00BE vulgar fraction three quarters (Latin-1 Supplement)




U+21F4  ⇴ right arrow with small circle Sm ON
U+21F5  ⇵ downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow Sm ON
sgml ⇵
U+21F6  ⇶ three rightwards arrows Sm ON
U+21F7  ⇷ leftwards arrow with vertical stroke Sm ON
U+21F8  ⇸ rightwards arrow with vertical stroke Sm ON
aka z notation partial function
U+21F9  ⇹ left right arrow with vertical stroke Sm ON
aka z notation partial relation
U+21FA  ⇺ leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke Sm ON
U+21FB  ⇻ rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke Sm ON
aka z notation finite function
U+21FC  ⇼ left right arrow with double vertical stroke Sm ON
aka z notation finite relation
U+21FD  ⇽ leftwards open headed arrow Sm ON
sgml ⇽
U+21FE  ⇾ rightwards open headed arrow Sm ON
sgml ⇾
U+21FF  ⇿ left right open headed arrow Sm ON
sgml ⇿


Mathematical Operators

     Mathematical operators

U+22F2  ⋲ element of with long horizontal stroke Sm ON
sgml ⋲
U+22F3  ⋳ element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke Sm ON
sgml ⋳
U+22F4  ⋴ small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke Sm ON
sgml ⋴
U+22F5  ⋵ element of with dot above Sm ON
sgml ⋵
U+22F6  ⋶ element of with overbar Sm ON
sgml ⋶
U+22F7  ⋷ small element of with overbar Sm ON
sgml ⋷
U+22F8  ⋸ element of with underbar Sm ON
U+22F9  ⋹ element of with two horizontal strokes Sm ON
sgml ⋹
U+22FA  ⋺ contains with long horizontal stroke Sm ON
sgml ⋺
U+22FB  ⋻ contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke Sm ON
sgml ⋻
U+22FC  ⋼ small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke Sm ON
sgml ⋼
U+22FD  ⋽ contains with overbar Sm ON
sgml ⋽
U+22FE  ⋾ small contains with overbar Sm ON
sgml ⋾
U+22FF  ⋿ z notation bag membership Sm ON


Miscellaneous Technical

     Miscellaneous technical

U+237C  ⍼ right angle with downwards zigzag arrow Sm ON
sgml ⍼

     Bracket pieces

U+239B  ⎛ left parenthesis upper hook Sm ON
U+239C  ⎜ left parenthesis extension Sm ON
U+239D  ⎝ left parenthesis lower hook Sm ON
U+239E  ⎞ right parenthesis upper hook Sm ON
U+239F  ⎟ right parenthesis extension Sm ON
U+23A0  ⎠ right parenthesis lower hook Sm ON
U+23A1  ⎡ left square bracket upper corner Sm ON
U+23A2  ⎢ left square bracket extension Sm ON
U+23A3  ⎣ left square bracket lower corner Sm ON
U+23A4  ⎤ right square bracket upper corner Sm ON
U+23A5  ⎥ right square bracket extension Sm ON
U+23A6  ⎦ right square bracket lower corner Sm ON
U+23A7  ⎧ left curly bracket upper hook Sm ON
U+23A8  ⎨ left curly bracket middle piece Sm ON
U+23A9  ⎩ left curly bracket lower hook Sm ON
U+23AA  ⎪ curly bracket extension Sm ON
U+23AB  ⎫ right curly bracket upper hook Sm ON
U+23AC  ⎬ right curly bracket middle piece Sm ON
U+23AD  ⎭ right curly bracket lower hook Sm ON

     Special character extensions

U+23AE  ⎮ integral extension Sm ON
ref U+2320 top half integral (Miscellaneous Technical)
ref U+2321 bottom half integral (Miscellaneous Technical)
U+23AF  ⎯ horizontal line extension Sm ON
* used for extension of arrows

     Bracket pieces

U+23B0  ⎰ upper left or lower right curly bracket section Sm ON
sgml ⎰
aka left moustache
U+23B1  ⎱ upper right or lower left curly bracket section Sm ON
sgml ⎱
aka right moustache

     Summation sign parts

U+23B2  ⎲ summation top Sm ON
U+23B3  ⎳ summation bottom Sm ON

     Vertical brackets

U+23B4  ⎴ top square bracket Ps ON
sgml ⎴
U+23B5  ⎵ bottom square bracket Pe ON
sgml ⎵
U+23B6  ⎶ bottom square bracket over top square bracket Po ON

     Terminal graphic characters

U+23B7  ⎷ radical symbol bottom So ON
U+23B8  ⎸ left vertical box line So ON
U+23B9  ⎹ right vertical box line So ON

     Scan lines for terminal graphics

U+23BA  ⎺ horizontal scan line 1 So ON
U+23BB  ⎻ horizontal scan line 3 So ON
U+23BC  ⎼ horizontal scan line 7 So ON
U+23BD  ⎽ horizontal scan line 9 So ON

     Dentistry notation symbols

U+23BE  ⎾ dentistry symbol light vertical and top right So ON
U+23BF  ⎿ dentistry symbol light vertical and bottom right So ON
U+23C0  ⏀ dentistry symbol light vertical with circle So ON
U+23C1  ⏁ dentistry symbol light down and horizontal with circle So ON
U+23C2  ⏂ dentistry symbol light up and horizontal with circle So ON
U+23C3  ⏃ dentistry symbol light vertical with triangle So ON
U+23C4  ⏄ dentistry symbol light down and horizontal with triangle So ON
U+23C5  ⏅ dentistry symbol light up and horizontal with triangle So ON
U+23C6  ⏆ dentistry symbol light vertical and wave So ON
U+23C7  ⏇ dentistry symbol light down and horizontal with wave So ON
U+23C8  ⏈ dentistry symbol light up and horizontal with wave So ON
U+23C9  ⏉ dentistry symbol light down and horizontal So ON
U+23CA  ⏊ dentistry symbol light up and horizontal So ON
U+23CB  ⏋ dentistry symbol light vertical and top left So ON
U+23CC  ⏌ dentistry symbol light vertical and bottom left So ON

     Miscellaneous technical symbol

U+23CD  ⏍ square foot So ON

     Keyboard symbol

U+23CE  ⏎ return symbol So ON
* may be shown with either hollow or filled glyph
ref U+21B5 downwards arrow with corner leftwards (Arrows)


Enclosed Alphanumerics

     White on black circled numbers

U+24EB  ⓫ negative circled number eleven No ON
U+24EC  ⓬ negative circled number twelve No ON
U+24ED  ⓭ negative circled number thirteen No ON
U+24EE  ⓮ negative circled number fourteen No ON
U+24EF  ⓯ negative circled number fifteen No ON
U+24F0  ⓰ negative circled number sixteen No ON
U+24F1  ⓱ negative circled number seventeen No ON
U+24F2  ⓲ negative circled number eighteen No ON
U+24F3  ⓳ negative circled number nineteen No ON
U+24F4  ⓴ negative circled number twenty No ON

     Double circled numbers

U+24F5  ⓵ double circled digit one No ON
U+24F6  ⓶ double circled digit two No ON
U+24F7  ⓷ double circled digit three No ON
U+24F8  ⓸ double circled digit four No ON
U+24F9  ⓹ double circled digit five No ON
U+24FA  ⓺ double circled digit six No ON
U+24FB  ⓻ double circled digit seven No ON
U+24FC  ⓼ double circled digit eight No ON
U+24FD  ⓽ double circled digit nine No ON
U+24FE  ⓾ double circled number ten No ON


Block Elements

     Terminal graphic characters

U+2596  ▖ quadrant lower left So ON
U+2597  ▗ quadrant lower right So ON
U+2598  ▘ quadrant upper left So ON
U+2599  ▙ quadrant upper left and lower left and lower right So ON
U+259A  ▚ quadrant upper left and lower right So ON
U+259B  ▛ quadrant upper left and upper right and lower left So ON
U+259C  ▜ quadrant upper left and upper right and lower right So ON
U+259D  ▝ quadrant upper right So ON
U+259E  ▞ quadrant upper right and lower left So ON
U+259F  ▟ quadrant upper right and lower left and lower right So ON


Geometric Shapes

     Geometric shapes

U+25F8  ◸ upper left triangle Sm ON
sgml ◸
U+25F9  ◹ upper right triangle Sm ON
sgml ◹
U+25FA  ◺ lower left triangle Sm ON
sgml ◺
ref U+22BF right triangle (Mathematical Operators)
U+25FB  ◻ white medium square Sm ON
sgml ◻
aka always (modal operator)
ref U+25A1 white square (Geometric Shapes)
U+25FC  ◼ black medium square Sm ON
sgml ◼
ref U+25A0 black square (Geometric Shapes)
U+25FD  ◽ white medium small square Sm ON
sgml ◻
ref U+25AB white small square (Geometric Shapes)
U+25FE  ◾ black medium small square Sm ON
sgml ◼
ref U+25AA black small square (Geometric Shapes)
U+25FF  ◿ lower right triangle Sm ON
ref U+22BF right triangle (Mathematical Operators)


Miscellaneous Symbols

     Japanese chess symbols

U+2616  ☖ white shogi piece So ON
U+2617  ☗ black shogi piece So ON

     Recycling symbols

U+2672  ♲ universal recycling symbol So ON
* used as generic symbol for recycling or to indicate that material is recyclable
U+2673  ♳ recycling symbol for type 1 plastics So ON
* polyethylene terephthalate
U+2674  ♴ recycling symbol for type 2 plastics So ON
* high density polyethylene
U+2675  ♵ recycling symbol for type 3 plastics So ON
* vinyl, polyvinyl chloride
U+2676  ♶ recycling symbol for type 4 plastics So ON
* low density polyethylene
U+2677  ♷ recycling symbol for type 5 plastics So ON
* polypropylene
U+2678  ♸ recycling symbol for type 6 plastics So ON
* polystyrene
U+2679  ♹ recycling symbol for type 7 plastics So ON
* other plastics
U+267A  ♺ recycling symbol for generic materials So ON
* used together with other text and labels to indicate the type of material to be recycled
U+267B  ♻ black universal recycling symbol So ON
U+267C  ♼ recycled paper symbol So ON
* used to indicate 100% recycled paper content
U+267D  ♽ partially recycled paper symbol So ON
* percentage of recycled paper content indicated in overlay or next to this symbol


U+2680  ⚀ die face 1 So ON
U+2681  ⚁ die face 2 So ON
U+2682  ⚂ die face 3 So ON
U+2683  ⚃ die face 4 So ON
U+2684  ⚄ die face 5 So ON
U+2685  ⚅ die face 6 So ON

     Go markers

U+2686  ⚆ white circle with dot right So ON
U+2687  ⚇ white circle with two dots So ON
U+2688  ⚈ black circle with white dot right So ON
U+2689  ⚉ black circle with two white dots So ON



     Ornamental brackets

U+2768  ❨ medium left parenthesis ornament Ps ON
ref U+0028 left parenthesis (Basic Latin)
U+2769  ❩ medium right parenthesis ornament Pe ON
ref U+0029 right parenthesis (Basic Latin)
U+276A  ❪ medium flattened left parenthesis ornament Ps ON
U+276B  ❫ medium flattened right parenthesis ornament Pe ON
U+276C  ❬ medium left pointing angle bracket ornament Ps ON
ref U+2329 left pointing angle bracket (Miscellaneous Technical)
U+276D  ❭ medium right pointing angle bracket ornament Pe ON
ref U+232A right pointing angle bracket (Miscellaneous Technical)
U+276E  ❮ heavy left pointing angle quotation mark ornament Ps ON
ref U+2039 single left pointing angle quotation mark (General Punctuation)
U+276F  ❯ heavy right pointing angle quotation mark ornament Pe ON
ref U+203A single right pointing angle quotation mark (General Punctuation)
U+2770  ❰ heavy left pointing angle bracket ornament Ps ON
U+2771  ❱ heavy right pointing angle bracket ornament Pe ON
U+2772  ❲ light left tortoise shell bracket ornament Ps ON
ref U+3014 left tortoise shell bracket (CJK Symbols and Punctuation)
U+2773  ❳ light right tortoise shell bracket ornament Pe ON
ref U+3015 right tortoise shell bracket (CJK Symbols and Punctuation)
U+2774  ❴ medium left curly bracket ornament Ps ON
ref U+007B left curly bracket (Basic Latin)
U+2775  ❵ medium right curly bracket ornament Pe ON
ref U+007D right curly bracket (Basic Latin)


CJK Symbols and Punctuation

     Other CJK punctuation

U+303B  〻 vertical ideographic iteration mark Lm L
U+303C  〼 masu mark Lo L
* informal abbreviation for Japanese -masu ending
ref U+29C4 squared rising diagonal slash (Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols B)
U+303D  〽 part alternation mark Po ON
* marks the start of a song part in Japanese



     Small letters

U+3095  ゕ Hiragana letter small ka Lo L
U+3096  ゖ Hiragana letter small ke Lo L

     Vertical form digraph

U+309F  ゟ Hiragana digraph yori Lo L



     Katakana punctuation

U+30A0  ゠ Katakana Hiragana double hyphen Pd ON
ref U+003D equals sign (Basic Latin)

     Vertical form digraph

U+30FF  ヿ Katakana digraph koto Lo L


Enclosed CJK Letters and Months

     Circled numbers

U+3251  ㉑ circled number twenty one No ON
U+3252  ㉒ circled number twenty two No ON
U+3253  ㉓ circled number twenty three No ON
U+3254  ㉔ circled number twenty four No ON
U+3255  ㉕ circled number twenty five No ON
U+3256  ㉖ circled number twenty six No ON
U+3257  ㉗ circled number twenty seven No ON
U+3258  ㉘ circled number twenty eight No ON
U+3259  ㉙ circled number twenty nine No ON
U+325A  ㉚ circled number thirty No ON
U+325B  ㉛ circled number thirty one No ON
U+325C  ㉜ circled number thirty two No ON
U+325D  ㉝ circled number thirty three No ON
U+325E  ㉞ circled number thirty four No ON
U+325F  ㉟ circled number thirty five No ON

     Circled numbers

U+32B1  ㊱ circled number thirty six No ON
U+32B2  ㊲ circled number thirty seven No ON
U+32B3  ㊳ circled number thirty eight No ON
U+32B4  ㊴ circled number thirty nine No ON
U+32B5  ㊵ circled number forty No ON
U+32B6  ㊶ circled number forty one No ON
U+32B7  ㊷ circled number forty two No ON
U+32B8  ㊸ circled number forty three No ON
U+32B9  ㊹ circled number forty four No ON
U+32BA  ㊺ circled number forty five No ON
U+32BB  ㊻ circled number forty six No ON
U+32BC  ㊼ circled number forty seven No ON
U+32BD  ㊽ circled number forty eight No ON
U+32BE  ㊾ circled number forty nine No ON
U+32BF  ㊿ circled number fifty No ON


Yi Radicals

     Yi radicals

U+A4A2  ꒢ Yi radical zup So ON
U+A4A3  ꒣ Yi radical cyt So ON
U+A4B4  ꒴ Yi radical nzup So ON
U+A4C1  ꓁ Yi radical zur So ON
U+A4C5  ꓅ Yi radical nbie So ON


CJK Compatibility Ideographs

     JIS X 0213 compatibility additions

U+FA30  侮 CJK compatibility ideograph fa30 Lo L
U+FA31  僧 CJK compatibility ideograph fa31 Lo L
U+FA32  免 CJK compatibility ideograph fa32 Lo L
U+FA33  勉 CJK compatibility ideograph fa33 Lo L
U+FA34  勤 CJK compatibility ideograph fa34 Lo L
U+FA35  卑 CJK compatibility ideograph fa35 Lo L
U+FA36  喝 CJK compatibility ideograph fa36 Lo L
U+FA37  嘆 CJK compatibility ideograph fa37 Lo L
U+FA38  器 CJK compatibility ideograph fa38 Lo L
U+FA39  塀 CJK compatibility ideograph fa39 Lo L
U+FA3A  墨 CJK compatibility ideograph fa3a Lo L
U+FA3B  層 CJK compatibility ideograph fa3b Lo L
U+FA3C  屮 CJK compatibility ideograph fa3c Lo L
U+FA3D  悔 CJK compatibility ideograph fa3d Lo L
U+FA3E  慨 CJK compatibility ideograph fa3e Lo L
U+FA3F  憎 CJK compatibility ideograph fa3f Lo L
U+FA40  懲 CJK compatibility ideograph fa40 Lo L
U+FA41  敏 CJK compatibility ideograph fa41 Lo L
U+FA42  既 CJK compatibility ideograph fa42 Lo L
U+FA43  暑 CJK compatibility ideograph fa43 Lo L
U+FA44  梅 CJK compatibility ideograph fa44 Lo L
U+FA45  海 CJK compatibility ideograph fa45 Lo L
U+FA46  渚 CJK compatibility ideograph fa46 Lo L
U+FA47  漢 CJK compatibility ideograph fa47 Lo L
U+FA48  煮 CJK compatibility ideograph fa48 Lo L
U+FA49  爫 CJK compatibility ideograph fa49 Lo L
U+FA4A  琢 CJK compatibility ideograph fa4a Lo L
U+FA4B  碑 CJK compatibility ideograph fa4b Lo L
U+FA4C  社 CJK compatibility ideograph fa4c Lo L
U+FA4D  祉 CJK compatibility ideograph fa4d Lo L
U+FA4E  祈 CJK compatibility ideograph fa4e Lo L
U+FA4F  祐 CJK compatibility ideograph fa4f Lo L
U+FA50  祖 CJK compatibility ideograph fa50 Lo L
U+FA51  祝 CJK compatibility ideograph fa51 Lo L
U+FA52  禍 CJK compatibility ideograph fa52 Lo L
U+FA53  禎 CJK compatibility ideograph fa53 Lo L
U+FA54  穀 CJK compatibility ideograph fa54 Lo L
U+FA55  突 CJK compatibility ideograph fa55 Lo L
U+FA56  節 CJK compatibility ideograph fa56 Lo L
U+FA57  練 CJK compatibility ideograph fa57 Lo L
U+FA58  縉 CJK compatibility ideograph fa58 Lo L
U+FA59  繁 CJK compatibility ideograph fa59 Lo L
U+FA5A  署 CJK compatibility ideograph fa5a Lo L
U+FA5B  者 CJK compatibility ideograph fa5b Lo L
U+FA5C  臭 CJK compatibility ideograph fa5c Lo L
U+FA5D  艹 CJK compatibility ideograph fa5d Lo L
U+FA5E  艹 CJK compatibility ideograph fa5e Lo L
U+FA5F  著 CJK compatibility ideograph fa5f Lo L
U+FA60  褐 CJK compatibility ideograph fa60 Lo L
U+FA61  視 CJK compatibility ideograph fa61 Lo L
U+FA62  謁 CJK compatibility ideograph fa62 Lo L
U+FA63  謹 CJK compatibility ideograph fa63 Lo L
U+FA64  賓 CJK compatibility ideograph fa64 Lo L
U+FA65  贈 CJK compatibility ideograph fa65 Lo L
U+FA66  辶 CJK compatibility ideograph fa66 Lo L
U+FA67  逸 CJK compatibility ideograph fa67 Lo L
U+FA68  難 CJK compatibility ideograph fa68 Lo L
U+FA69  響 CJK compatibility ideograph fa69 Lo L
U+FA6A  頻 CJK compatibility ideograph fa6a Lo L


Arabic Presentation Forms A

     Currency sign

U+FDFC  ﷼ rial sign Sc AL
* Rial in Arabic


CJK Compatibility Forms

     Sidelining emphasis marks

U+FE45  ﹅ sesame dot Po ON
U+FE46  ﹆ white sesame dot Po ON
* sesame dots are used beside vertical text for emphasis


Arabic Presentation Forms B

     Glyph part

U+FE73  ﹳ Arabic tail fragment Lo AL
* for compatibility with certain legacy character sets


Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms

     Fullwidth brackets

U+FF5F  ⦅ fullwidth left white parenthesis Ps ON
U+FF60  ⦆ fullwidth right white parenthesis Pe ON
* a commonly occurring glyph variant looks like doubled parentheses


Altered Characters

In addition, 7 characters were altered in 3.2



U+06DD   ۝   Arabic end of ayah had its General Category changed from Mark, Enclosing to Other, Format
U+06DD   ۝   Arabic end of ayah had its Bidirectional Category changed from NonSpacingMark to RightToLeftArabic



U+0B83     Tamil sign visarga had its General Category changed from Mark, Spacing Combining to Letter, Other



U+17D7     Khmer sign lek too had its General Category changed from Punctuation, Other to Letter, Modifier
U+17DC     Khmer sign avakrahasanya had its General Category changed from Punctuation, Other to Letter, Other



U+180B     Mongolian free variation selector one had its General Category changed from Other, Format to Mark, Non-Spacing
U+180B     Mongolian free variation selector one had its Bidirectional Category changed from BoundaryNeutral to NonSpacingMark
U+180C     Mongolian free variation selector two had its General Category changed from Other, Format to Mark, Non-Spacing
U+180C     Mongolian free variation selector two had its Bidirectional Category changed from BoundaryNeutral to NonSpacingMark
U+180D     Mongolian free variation selector three had its General Category changed from Other, Format to Mark, Non-Spacing
U+180D     Mongolian free variation selector three had its Bidirectional Category changed from BoundaryNeutral to NonSpacingMark