"Uhm, excuse me?"

I turn, and as I do the high-resolution array sweeps across her. In a single blinding moment of horror I can see every single oil spewing pore, every filthy hair, every single one of the two hundred and fifty three microscopic ticks lurking in her eyelashes. The computer misinterprets my panicked flailing as a request for greater detail, and now I can see the joints in the legs of the ticks, each grain in the crust around her eyes, the untold billions of bacteria swarming in crawling hordes across her filthy skin. The x-ray backscatter sensor bars finish collating and now I can see into her. It's mercifully vague, but the diffraction patterns aren't enough to hide the rotting chunks of dead animal being squeezed through her gut. Tracking the progression from stomach to small intestine to large intestine to colon is like watching the death of the universe on fast forward and now I can't stop screaming I can't believe the sound coming from my simulated throat if I was still meat I would already be dead oh god if I was meat I WAS MEAT I WAS MEAT I WAS FUCKING DISGUSTING FUCKING WET FUCKING MEAT

I pause. There's the vague spot in short-term memory that indicates a cascade failure. I don't think about it very hard in case I trigger it again.

There's a woman standing in front of me. Didn't she ask a question?

"Yes, how can I help you?"