What happened in 1926?

The miner's strike in Great Britain is expanded into a general strike, supported by the General Council of the Trade Union Congress.
U.S. marines are dispatched to Nicaragua to preserve order after a revolt against the new president Emiliano Chamorro and remain until 1933.
Chiang Kai-Shek launches the Northern Expedition, leading the victorious Nationalist army into Hankou, Shanghai, and Nanjing.
Richard E. Byrd and Floyd Bennett fly from Spitsbergen to the North Pole and back, receiving a Congressional Medal of Honor. Bennett later confesses to actually have come slightly short of the North Pole.
Father Charles E. Coughlin, "The Radio Priest", makes his first radio broadcast on radio station WJR. On sundays all through the 1930s people tune into the nation to hear his controvisial broadcasts. His response to charges of anti-Semitism, is that he "also ... assails prominent Gentiles, both Catholic and Protestant.
Chemist Dr. Joseph C. Patrick, Missouri, discovers the world's first synthetic rubber. He names it Thiokol, a combination of the Greek words for sulfur (theion) and glue (kolla).

U.S. Statistics
President: Calvin Coolidge
Vice President: Charles G. Dawes
Population: 117,397,000
Federal spending: $2.93 billion
Consumer Price Index: 17.7
Unemployment: 1.8%

Pulitzer Prize for Fiction: Sinclair Lewis, Arrowsmith
Pulitzer Prize for Drama: George Kelly, Craig's Wife
Pulitzer Prize for Poetry: Amy Lowell, What's O'Clock

Nobel Prize for Literature: Grazia Deledda (Italy), "for her idealistically inspired writings which with plastic clarity picture the life on her native island and with depth and sympathy deal with human problems in general".
Nobel Prize for Chemistry: Theodor Svedberg (Sweden), "for his work on disperse systems".
Nobel Prize for Physics: Jean Baptiste Perrin (France), "for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter, and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium".
Nobel Prize for Medicine: Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger(Denmark), "for his discovery of the Spiroptera carcinoma".
Nobel Peace Prize: Aristide Briand(France) and Gustav Stresemann(Germany).

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Nobel Prize information from www.nobel.se, statistics and topic selection assistance from www.factmonster.com