I've been thinking alot lately about opportunity and carpe diem and all that stuff. You are always told to never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Great words of advice but hard to really put into practice.

I had known this guy at school for a few months. We both kind of guessed that we liked each other and most of the school guessed likewise. He had worked up the nerve to ask me to go see a movie Saturday, and I was really looking forward to it.

Also coming up was our school's semi-formal winter dance. I really wanted to ask this guy to go, but was afraid he wouldn't want to go. He is the really shy type who never goes to dances. I had finally decided I was going to ask him Saturday when we went to the movies. And then Friday came....

Third hour came around on Friday. I had a class with this guy and we sat by each other. So there I am, sitting in class, and all of a sudden this other girl walks up and asked him to the dance! I was surprised/shocked and by the look on his face, he was too. He told her he would have to think about it and tell her Monday.

Saturday came and we had a great time at the movies. Neither of us mentioned the dance. I found out Monday, he had told her that he didn't want to go with her.

The story does have a silver lining. He did for awhile think about going with me, but decided not to. He did ask me to prom and we had a great time.

If I had asked him, a day earlier than I had planned, he probably would have gone with me. Guess we never know what a day can really mean.