An excellent movie directed by Roman Polanski (Rosemary's Baby). Dean Corso (Johnny Depp) is a sleazy rare book dealer, who is hired by a wealthy patron with an obsession with the Devil. The collector has recently acquired a rare 17th century book, The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows. There are three copies of this tome left in the world - one is legitimate and the other two are forgeries. Corso is charged with finding the remaining two copies of the book, and determine which is authentic. With this book, a person can summon the powers of the devil and the collector will stop at nothing to find the true copy. The movie is based on the novel The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte, but the actual plot was quite different. Some find the ending of the movie a bit of a let-down, but I thought it was well done. Worth watching.