Oh god... Hell has frozen over... I was a bad person in a former life ...

My mother called this morning as I was waiting for the train. She wants a computer. She wants the internet on her computer. She's not the most technical of people, I bought my parents a new video and satellite dish for Christmas last year (well the dish was for me really, so I don't get too bored when I visit), and despite leaving written instructions on how to use both, my mum calls me to ask how she sets the video, my dad sits up till the program he wants to tape starts, then presses record.

This is going to be a nightmare. It's bad enough supporting Windows 98 for my brother in-law, but supporting my parents? I'm going to recommend an iPaq, leagacy free, with Windows 2000. Then Compaq can support them :) Of course, I can see the next question ... can I have a web cam to see you? Buying my sister one was a mistake ...

My voice exercises arrived today. I'm wandering around the office making "ooo" sounds. As if I wasn't weird enough.

Get home. Check email. Halloween party invite from Wintersweet. Ohhhhh! So I will be drunk in some strange area of CA. Meep!