Mother broke a glass today, thought that all the beautiful crystals had been gathered up, but as always, one remained. inserted itself 15mm into her palm, blood went everywhere

Papa has flu, sis is doing 'important course work' so I had to do all the weekend chores. Never realised just how incompetent I was around the home until I had to take responsibility. All this time with computers, and I can't even grapple with the washing machine. I found peeling potatoes quite fun, even though I felt like a gimp kept under the stairs & fed on fisheads; ended up doing a few times too many.

But the socks, the socks are the worst. They look practically identical, but totally stupid if mismatched & worn. The most boring work that I've ever done; and I thought that school sucked.

Can't imagine what it would be like to work in a sweatshop...