Ah. 'Tis truly an OK day.

I wrote two exams this week. Monday's was poetry - hence my recent noding of couplet - and today's was short fiction. My professor (Mahmood Moghaddam - and I highly recommend him for anyone at Concordia or McGill universities in Montreal) is terrific and the classes are always interesting. A stressful week of schoolwork is complete (sort of).

My sweetie was sick last week, but I got to see her again yesterday, and tomorrow is our one-year anniversary - one of them, anyway. On Saturday, she's dragging my skinny ass to the beach.

I repayed my roommate/bandmate a debt that's been owing for too long, and was substantial, so that's a good feeling.

I've made a few new E2 friends lately, and that's a good feeling too.

In general, this mean ol' misanthrope is full of warm fuzzies right now.

(Yes, I just knocked on wood. Just 'cause I'm happy doesn't mean I'm stupid.)