My Plan for America
by Berhardt Goates

It has come to my attention in watching the chaos unfolding around us that drastic measures must be taken to restore order in the United States of America. This is my proposal, a copy of which I have sent to our leaders in Washington, hoping they will act before it is too late.

The first issue is in regard to dissent, which must be eliminated by any means possible, including force, in order to safeguard our borders and our way of life. In order to ensure our freedom and way of life, we must begin to eliminate some of the freedoms that are unnecessary, including but not limited to dissent.

Complainers need to be rounded up. There is a lot of work to be done on what is known as the infrastructure and if the complainers can be put into very structured work camps and do this work at no real cost to our beloved government aside from extremely tightly packed portable housing units, such as trailers in which seventy to eighty complainers can be packed for sleeping in tight quarters, and two or three meager meals per day. Those who cannot work can be imprisoned for uselessness and we can use immigrants to build a series of new prisons before they are either executed for not obeying the laws of this great land or sent home to face torture and death there. This is good plan so far.

Foreign persons who do not agree with our great actions need to be disregarded and possibly have their countries conquered and colonized at a later date if they do not repent. I understand this will require a larger armed forces, but we can definitely reinstitute a draft and require all persons between seventeen and forty-five to fight the good fight.

The media needs to be eliminated as a free enterprise fueled by corporate shenanigans and turned into a government run enterprise. The media can be utilized by the president and his administration to broadcast straight up truth without any spin instead of this hokey pokey dissent and reporting of upsetting and untrue things that the media engages in and limits the president and his cronies from acting properly because of needing to justify their actions. Remember, right acting persons do not need to justify their actions to complainers. Already I have demonstrated effective way to deal with complainers.

Also, persons who unlike me have not made a lot of money in selling investment opportunities in Civil War action figures and also cleaned up working as an unqualified remedial science teacher in the Greater Baltimore Area while using that as a front to market new clothing concepts, have obviously not grasped our excellent capitalist system. Those who are still poor or just getting by are dumb, because there is much money to be made in misleading potential investors and clients. They would also be good for the work camps and those of us with money really would appreciate clean streets and nice forests, both of which can be tended to by people with limited incomes who are impressed into our excellent and uncostly work camps.

Less tolerance needs to be shown towards criminals, with the exception of white collar criminals, who do no harm to anyone and should not be subjected to the court system. Any offense of any kind should result in a life sentence, which can only be rescinded if the person agrees to fight in the front lines, i.e. be used as a decoy for important fighting abroad when some soldier needs to be sacrificed for a mission to succeed. They may also opt for the work camps if they demonstrate good behavior, but they will have to work double shifts, and weekends, while wearing heavy ankle chains.

Remember that in order to preserve and promote the greatness of our nation we must act quickly to eliminate dissent, increase the power and number of our military so we can engage in five-six wars simultaneously, put criminals where they belong, give the president complete control of the media, and begin to consider the possibility that term limits and elections are things of the past that interfere with democracy and freedom. "President for life" not only has a good ring to it, but is also sensible and will help maintain continuity and good plan at the top while chaos is brought under control.

I look forward to seeing my plan put into action. Thank you.