Feminist theology is a branch of the Christian tradition which aims to look at the Bible through the lens of the female experience. Specifically, it examines the roles and portrayal of women in the Bible, as well as "engendering" the image of God, by means of God's attributes, This branch of theology is not necessarily related to "feminist movements" -- and indeed, the term was controversial before being adopted, for this reason. It has, however, been known to cast criticism over the sometimes-patriarchal worldview of the church at large, and at very least, has a secondary emphasis on looking for new insights that may have been missed or glossed-over in years of male-dominated research. Finally, to some degree, it has also been aligned with the idea of liberation theology, in some circles.

One of of the better known names in the field include Phyllis Trible, perhaps the foremost known North American feminist theologian. Her work, "Feminist Hermeneutics and Biblical Studies" focuses much on the portrayal of women in the Old Testament and implies that feminist imagery, such as Psalms 22:9-10 (which illustrates God as a midwife), has historically been overlooked.

Another important name in the field is that of Rosemary Radford Ruether, a Catholic feminist theologian who is also a prominent writer on issues confronting modern Christianity.

Other important figures include Sallie McFague, who reflected on the feminine nature of God, as well as Sharon Welch and Anne Carr.

Works Referenced:

The Christian Theology Reader, ed., Alister E. McGrath. (c)1995, Blackwell Publishers, Ltd., Oxford, UK.

Faith Seeking Understanding, Daniel L. Miglore. (c)1991, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan

The author of this writeup does not profess to be an expert in this field, and encourages others to augment this topic with other writeups. Surprised, however, to find that there was no existing node already, the author decided it was best to try and take a stab at it.