The notion of a pending technological singularity, first explicitly named as such by Vernor Vinge, is a modified version of the traditional Abrahamic eschatology. Though it removes the notion of a supreme being judging all those who have lived, it does promise believers a moment in time beyond which all will live in perpetual paradise; immortality, wealth, leisure, sexual prowess and scholarly success are explicitly promised to believers and, in some versions of the meme, denied to others. The primary proponents of the Singularity belief are Raymond Kurzweil, Vernor Vinge, Damien Broderick, Hans Moravec and Eliezer Yudkowsky. Each presents a somewhat different vision of this, but they are all organized about a common core.

The central tenet of the Singularity meme is the ever expanding power of computer processors. Adherents point to charts indicating that the number of calculations per second per $1000 has been doubling every 2 years since the early 1890s and the Hollerith tabulating machine. From human computers doing arithmetic for a $1 a day through punchcards and vacuum tubes to transistors and integrated circuits and on to DNA computers and quantum computing. They say that every time a physical limit that would stop the exponential curve is approached a new medium is discovered that allows the curve to continue unchecked. At some time in the (not-too-distant) future this curve goes vertical--ever expanding computational capacity will result in ever more powerful technologies being assimilated into society ever faster, the entire cycle spinning so fast that we will no longer be able to project what is going to happen next. This point of no return, when the pace of technological progress goes infinite is the Technological Singularity.

While each of the main visions of the Singularity agree on the above the point, they do exhibit significant differences. They all differ on the specific technological features of the event and they all envision significantly different worlds arising from the event.

Vernor Vinge

The most moderate of the Singulatarians, Vinge is credited with the creation of the idea in his novel Marooned in Realtime. He later expanded upon it in a paper delivered to a NASA conference in 1993. He argued that at some point in the early 21st century human beings will create computer software that is more intelligent than we are. Shortly thereafter this software will produce software smarter than it. The human era will be over.

Vinge refrains, for the most part, from speculation as to the structure of civilization following the singularity.

Damien Broderick

Broderick calls his Singularity The Spike, and has written a book by that title. He doesn't focus on a particular technology, but contends that the whole of science and knowledge are growing at an exponential rate and that we will see unimaginable advances in every area of our lives. He sees a rising tide for all of humanity as nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and advanced medical technology alleviate all of humanity's misery.

Broderick's view is the most overtly utopic, promising immortality through nanotechnology to everyone and beneficent artificial intelligences acting as stewards of our race, managing everything from traffic to resource production. Everyone will have the choice of living in a normal human body, animating a custom biological or robotic shell, or existing as an uploaded mind in a global computer network. Switching between the three will be easy and, given the overall wealth of the post-Spike world, cheap.

Raymond Kurzweil

Kurzweil's vision of the future has been set forth in books such as The Age of Intelligent Machines, The Age of Spiritual Machines, and the forthcoming The Singularity is Coming. He envisions a strong singularity catalyzed by advances in our ability to simulate the activity of the human brain. As functional magnetic resonance imaging becomes more powerful he expects that we will completely reverse engineer the functioning of the brain. After that is complete we will be able to port our consciousness to any hardware that we wanted, thus achieving immortality.

Like Broderick, Kurzweil sees a soft take-off Singularity. Rather than a discontinuous, single-day change he sees a process that will stretch through the whole of the 21st century (although this is still abrupt by the standards of change in our global civilazation). Software will match human intelligence and ability in first one area, then another and another. People will interact primarily in virtual environments, even when several people are gathered physically together the advanced display technology they use will render most of their experience virtual. Medical technology will progress to the point that people can keep their bodies alive indefinitely, but even if something terrible, something unfixable, happens to that body it won't matter. Uploading technology will be so good that immortality is all but guaranteed.

Hans Moravec

A researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, Moravec believes that the Singularity will come about through the creation of advanced, autonomous robots. He envisions a hard take-off Singularity where greater-than-human level intelligence combined with a limitless ability to manipulate the physical world through sophisticated robots will completely supercede humanity. Moravec displays a strong believers only bias in his Singularity scenario as it will be possible for those with the foresight to have seen it coming to have ported themselves to new hardware that can compete with the computers.

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Founder of the Singularity Institute and author of Coding a Transhuman AI Yudkowsky has raised the Singularity to the level of pure religious object. He believes in a particularly harsh version of the hard take-off, postulating that human-level intelligence will rapidly bootstrap to something much, much greater. This sudden increase in intelligence will give the growing AI the ability to create strong nanotech if it doesn't already have it. Our continued existence will be completely at the whim of this creature, and we are unable in principle to determine what rules will apply after its arrival.

There is a strong theme of the end of humanity in Yudkowsky's writings. He makes the argument that a more intelligent entity will be better able to determine what is good and moral than we humans are since, of course, it is more intelligent. If such an entity claimed that the proper thing to do with humans was to destroy all of us then we should let it. After all, the fact that we not only don't, but literally can't understand the reasons for it shouldn't be relevant to whether such a genocide is the right thing.

Given that he views it as unavoidable, Yudkowsky has devoted himself to making it happen as soon as possible. He is trying to create a bootstrapping artificial intelligence and to thus trigger his Singularity.

Bill Joy

Bill Joy is the most visible of the Singularity detractors. While he believes that it is coming, he doesn't like it and wants it stopped. He argued this point in a 2000 Wired magazine article, Why the Future Doesn't Need Us? He believes, much like Yudkowsky, that coming technological changes are going to result in the end of humanity. To avoid this Joy has, in effect, proposed the creation of an enormous police state charged with preventing advances in certain fields of science by whatever means are necessary.

While his written proposals fall short of explicitly sanctioning a police state and restrictions upon the freedoms of thought and speech, it is easy to see that this is what he proposes. He calls for "relinquishment" of robotic, biological, and nanoscale technologies and research on a global basis are unrealizable in the absence of a global police state or in the presence of freedoms of speech, press, or assembly (essentially in the presence of the freedom to communicate). For Joy's program to be successful it is not enough that the majority of the world's people cease research and development in these areas. If even a small number of people continue to work in these fields the breakthroughs in our knowledge that Joy fears so greatly will come. To implement Joy's relinquishment strategy will require that these people be identified and prevented from performing their research.

Like nuclear non-proliferation, this is a policy that is guaranteed to fail eventually. Once the apple of knowledge has been bitten no amount of brutality or repression will be able to undo the effects. Even in the most brutal police state imaginable relinquishment is an impossible goal, and to advocate or pursue it is to endorse the destruction of countless lives for no long-term benefit.