Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. This is not sudden to us. We find ourselves turning back to it, in quiet moments. At last, it is time. We now know to keep our aspirations simple, apocryphal; a guard against our own weakness. If we misstep, we can set the whole enterprise ablaze. No record of attempt, no record of failure.

We wake up early, we floss, we try to conquer the world anew. We are conscious of the sag of our skin and the oscillating nature of our senses. We can't imagine dying with so much left undone. We buy organic. We DON'T go to the gym today. We labor in secret. We make excuses for skipping cigarette breaks. We are given bemused looks by those who have wed themselves to stagnation.

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. We will no longer be experts at failure. We can change.