Even if it wasn't about the opression of some particular group of people, the simple ideas of "your people" and "my people" being yours or mine because of skin color--that is racism.

BET is racism.
Affirmitave Action is racism.
the NAACP is racism.
the United Negro College Fund is racism.
The Case for Reparations is racism.
the Black X Union (Nurses, steelworkers, pilots, etc.) is racism.

Am I the only person who thinks that I'm not personally responsible for the actions of every other individual in history that had the same skin color as me? What if my parents have black people as supervisors in their jobs? What if my grandparents participated with Martin Luther King, Jr. in the March on Washington? What if my great-grandparents were hanged as nigger-lovers because they refused to go along with their "people" in oppression of others? At the risk of sounding self-righteous (or worse, politically correct), I don't think myself or anyone in my immediate ancestry has ever taken action to oppress a single individual, much less a "people." every thought and every act of racial prejudice is harmful.

"My People"--at least, the people that are similar in appearance to me--are not an institution, they're not a voting bloc or "the man." They don't act as one, they act as individuals. If you want to accuse a particular group of people for oppressing others, look in your history books, and figure out who had slaves, and if they're still around, accuse them of the misdeeds they have done (misdeeds to their actual victims, of course, not the "people" who want to get a piece of the righteous indignation that comes from sharing a skin color with some individual or group of individuals who were oppressed several generations ago.)