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Just some frozen pictures

Wake up
Feel a touch
Realisation sets in
frustration follows
sore throat, puffy eyes
someone stole my motivation

I must work
No food here? maybe lose weight
trip over clothing
why bother washing?

reconsider working. maybe chat instead?
No T-shirts clean. choose crap work one instead
dressing. Don't think about touches
smile as I remember yesterday
consider phoning for a lift to work. scratch that, need exercise
Startle the cats outside
wonder why all is monochrome
ignore the surly boy's stare
jump as the cars scream past
wonder why they need to go so fast at 10am on a Sunday
smile and nod at the joggers and the old people walking their dogs
Feel placebo echo through my head
walk faster to avoid the imminent rain
pain: deny it.
painkiller urge deny it

Get into work. Sit down. Log onto E2. Sigh just a little bit.

14:15 BST

Dialogue Box: "Please wait for the system to restart." Buttons in the box: "Retry" "Cancel" wtf??? Some coders really have a lot to learn about usability...