While one may convincinlgy argue that Jean Paul Sartre made some unenviable choices in his political life, the fact remains that his philosophical musings enjoy well earned respect. To suggest that Sartre is discredited for his political views is to resort to the classic form of argument against the person: the ad hominem attack. Some of the previous write-ups have engaged in exactly this attack, and sadly, it is an attack that does not bear much weight in evaluating Sartre's philosophical ideas.

Furthermore, the reader is left to wonder why Sartre's alleged discrediting in France should have any bearing on how the rest of the world should evaluate Sartre's ideas. ( And note, no empirical evidence of any kind is given to support that Sartre is discredited in France, rather, it is merely suggested that other thinkers have come along challenging his ideas. C'est tout on that regard). The French, as far as I know, have no strangle-hold on evaluating the merits of any ideas. Why, it is rumored that the French have elevated Mickey Rourke and Jerry Lewis to the level of "artistes". Je ne comprend pas.