(From Hoyle's Rules of Games, Third Revised & Updated Edition)

Desired Hand                 Holding         Odds Against
Full House or better  Three of a kind               1½ to 1
                        "  plus two odd cards        2 to 1
                        "  plus three odd cards      4 to 1
                      One pair plus one odd card    13 to 1
                      One pair plus two odd cards   19 to 1
                      One pair plus three odd cards 39 to 1
                      Two pairs                      4 to 1
                        "  plus one odd card         4 to 1
                        "  plus two odd cards       10 to 1
Flush                 Three of a suit               3½ to 1
                        "  plus one odd card         9 to 1
                        "  plus two odd cards       23 to 1
                      Four of a suit                1¼ to 1
                        "  plus one odd card        1¾ to 1
                        "  plus two odd cards       4¼ to 1
Straight              J 10 9                        4¼ to 1
                      J 10 9 2                       8 to 1
                      J 10 9 3 2                    20 to 1
                      J 10 9 8                   1 1/3 to 1
                      J 10 9 8 2                    2¼ to 1
                      J 10 9 7                      2¾ to 1
                      J 10 9 7 2                    4½ to 1
                      J 10 9 7 3 2                  10 to 1
                      K Q J                         6¾ to 1
                      K Q J 2                       12 to 1

What do all these numbers mean to you, the ordinary guy or gal who engages in the occasional friendly poker game with your friends? Well, the cardinal rule of poker is to compare the ratio of the pot to the bet, to what you think your odds of winning the hand are. On the other hand, you are probably not going to be doing extensive, accurate calculations when it comes time to either toss in some chips or toss in your cards. Looking at the odds, however, some general observations arise.

The first: Three clubs and a heart is not a flush. Three clubs and a heart is a longshot to become a flush. Unless you have a pair that beats any hand showing, or unless the pot is nine times the current bet, you'd best fold.

2: On the other hand, four of a suit has a lovely chance of becoming a flush, even if you get just one more card. Before you bet your shirt on that last card being a heart, though, make sure it looks like no one else is going to get a flush or full house, and that you don't bet more than a fourth of the amount in the pot.

3: A similar logic applies to straights, although they are a little less likely to be the winning hand. A sequence of three and a junk card isn't so bad, but don't bet a lot on it. A sequence of four is rather good, but keep in mind how many available cards will make it into a straight. An inside straight (J 10 9 7 on the chart) seems like a good bet if you have three cards coming to you, but its odds are much worse than a sequence of four.