I'd like to thank Ereneta for updating his north writeup from E1 after I /msged him - bravo. A great example of how to move an E1 node to modern times.

Editorial Cooled

A Prayer for Mr. Leary - Yavin is a superb writer.

Writeups Killed

The worst node of all time by ja son. It wasn't, but it came close.
must break 400 nodes by GuNgA-DiN. No, you don't, and you especially won't do it by noding crap about how you must node.
key signature by arfarf. "k"?
first step and second step by wanderer. Completely pointless.
undead by aetheroar. Guess what, "clean=living and dirty=dead" is wrong. Try again.
vitamin by aetheroar. Old and poor E1 def.
Hanlon's Razor by sammy baby. Stolen from the Jargon File.
pain is good by deadsocket. One line is not a writeup.
disembowel by deadsocket. E1 def vs E2 def, and this one didn't come out of the steel cage.
ISP by Lone. One line, useless.
NSP by Lone and /msged BtS. A poor def; BtS's wasn't much better, but he still comes around.
dslam by Lone and frytech. Poor defs.
arrested by chorn and Lone. Truly tasteless reference to prison sex.
phreaker by chorn. "One who phreaks." This, we do not need.
sarah slean by chorn. Insulting his friend's taste in music - do not node this crap.
commodore 64 by chorn. E1 nodes must pass on to feed E2.

Nodes to be Deleted

a group of mexicans
I need to come up with a node that will blow everybody's node out of the water
How to treat a poisonous snake bite

Nodes to be Edited

plastic bullets - No plural, yes singular!

Nodeshells to be Killed

a group of mexicans
The worst node of all time I need to come up with a node that will blow everybody's node out of the water
How to treat a poisonous snake bite

Users to be Killed

chorn. Has no nodes after I removed the stupid ones.