Tea tree oil has many awsome uses. "In one study it inhibited 11
different bacteria including
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (which infects
Esherichia coli (a dangerous
pathogen in wounds) and
staphylococcus (which causes
boils and
The leaves of the tree can be used to make therapeutic tea or can be
simply chewed on. The vapors can be used against colds. The oil can
also be used on mucous membranes against sore throats or canker sores. It can also be used as a douche to treat yeast
infections. For senstitive areas such as mucous membranes, full
strength is not recomended. Use a 10 percent, or less, solution. Avoid
getting in eyes.
Tea tree oil is also used in deodorants and toothpaste.
Tea tree oil can be found at Trader Joe's and other health food and herb stores.
Reference: http://www.drweil.com/drw/app/cda/drw_cda.php?command=TodayQA&questionId=3037&pt=Question