Beer Slut

Beer Slut is a drinking game oft employed by the species "Student" to get mortally sloshed in an entertaining and typically hilarious manner. Has been known to be rather entertaining with as few as three players, but fun to be had increases exponentially as more players join the game.


  • A pack of playing cards
  • X bottles of beer, where X= (n x 13)+2. (n = number of players)
  • Three or more players, ideally a 50:50 mix of genders.


The game starts by designating a dealer for the first round. The cards are shuffled and one card is dealt to each player face down. The person to the left of the dealer exposes hir card and play proceeds according to the rule established for that card (see Rules below). When the condition on the card is met, the player/s who meet/s the condition take a decently-sized drink. When the card has been played it is returned to the dealer and placed at the bottom of the pack. Game ends upon meeting any of the following conditions:

  • Beer (or any other alcohol) runs out. Note that this is NOT supposed to happen.
  • More that half the players are too drunk to follow the rules.
  • Any one of the players either throws up over several others or reaches a comatose state and requires medical attention. A designated spectator/driver normally strikes most as a good idea in retrospect so try and plan this beforehand. (Personal note : We once played this game having one of the players do press-ups(push-ups) instead of paying his debts in drink. This ensures that the designated spectator suffers his due.)


Each of the cards in the pack carries a rule. Rules here are the ones we normally play by but feel free to modify them as you deem fit, as long as they are established before the game commences. I am used to them as follows:

A : Rule card. A rule is established by the bearer of the card. Rules are cumulative, last all through the game and apply to all players. Examples of rules are typically "All players must drink using their left hand" or "It is forbidden to say the word "drink"". Broken rule means extra swig as a penalty, so eg. Player A notices Player B holding the bottle/glass he drinks from in his right hand, and points it out to the rest. Player A exclaims "Hey Player B, you're using your right hand! Drink up!" Both players have and extra drink.

2 : Player assigns 2 drinks. Player may ask two individuals to take a tot or assign both to the same player.

3: Player assigns 3 drinks: As above but 3 drinks are assigned.

4: Player to the right of card-bearer must have a drink.

5 : Player to the left of the card-bearer drinks.

6 : Beer Slut! : Player licks the back of the card and sticks it to hir forehead displaying the six. This player must supply all with drinks. This includes, but is not limited to, running to the fridge at any request, opening bottles, and clearing empty ones. Next player to get a six is the new beer slut.

7: Thumb Master : Gameplay resumes as usual. The Thumb Master will at some point display his thumb and this action is imitated by all the players. The last player to notice gets to drink.

8 : Word Association : The player says a word and each player says an associated word in turn. The first player to be at loss for a word for more than 8 seconds, or comes up with something totally irrelevant gets the penalty.

9 : Famous People : The player mentions a celebrity/historical figure etc by name and surname. The next person must name a celebrity whose name starts with the same letter as the previously mentioned person's surname. eg. Abraham Lincoln....Larry Flynt....Fats Domino (although after a few rounds "Fred Flintstone" would have been acceptable). This lasts until a player fails to mention a name for longer than 9 seconds.

10 : Suicide Drink : Player takes two drinks.

J : All Male players must drink.

Q : All Female players must drink

K : Community Drink. All Players take a swig.



Dwardu accepts no responsibility for injury, damage to property or loss of senses, virginity or of life as a direct or indirect consequence of playing this game.