In the Roman Catholic Mass, the prayers where the congregation intercede for all humanity, also known as the General Intercessions.

While the wording of these prayers is not fixed, the general instructions of the Roman missal suggests the congregation should pray for 4 different things: the needs of the Church, for public authorities and the salvation of the world, for those oppressed by any need, for the local community (In the United States, in many churches, the priest may often open it up here to suggestions from the floor, and you'll hear individuals in the church offer up prayers (AKA intentions) for a particular family member, cause, or event.) In specific celebrations such as marriages or funerals, the series of intercessions often refer specifically to the occasion.

Historically, the general intercessions in the Mass were said for the church, the state, the poor, enemies, travellers, prisoners, but they were discontinued in the 6th century, except for an annual litany on Good Friday. They were restored to the Mass with the Novus Ordo of 1969.

You can recognize this part of the Mass by the following: