The New York Call, usually referred to as just "The Call," used to be America's leading socialist newspaper. Founded in 1908, it often had a hard time staying in business, despite its flourishing subscriber base. When it opposed US involvement in World War I it was prosecuted under the Espionage Act. In 1919 its offices were raided and wrecked during a bout of government anti-Communist furor. Its second-class mailing privileges were revoked for a long time. It was finally forced to close in 1923. Freedom of the press, my ass.

"The Call" also refers to the call to meeting at the founding of the NAACP.

In religious circles "The Call" is what you hear when God calls you to preach. "Howard Finster heard the call at the age of sixteen, and has been preaching God's word tirelessly ever since." (from the Howard Finster webpage)