First, just because an idea is 'philosophical' doesn't somehow elevate it above the realm of mortal man. Socialism is indeed a philosophy of thought, however misguided and pathetic.

You're saying that:
1)A person't intelligence is inborn; some people are intelligent, and others aren't, and that there is very little we can do to alter this.
Wow. I completely disagree. I believe that effort is what produces intelligence. Consistent, rational thought. In other words, someone who practices thinking, will think better. There's plenty of medical and biological facts to back me up on this.

2)Someone who is intelligent is somehow automatically indebted to the world for his/her superhuman powers of intellect.
I'm going to cry. You're trying to enslave me. News: It doesn't work like that. You can enslave labor. You cannot enslave a mind.

You don't think it's slavery? Look at your own words:
because of the scarcity of intelligence, those who are smart are condemned to sacrifice more.
The word 'condemned' is no slip of the tongue. It is slavery, to demand that a man has an obligation to society because of something he is, according to you, born with.

Men and women of intelligence are notoriously free-spirited and rebellious. Don't try telling us we're indebted to you. Hell, you're going to reap the benefits of our intelligence just by living in the same world. The things we invent, the ideas we have, they will benefit the world. Try your hand at planning it, though...

I'm not saying you might not have good intentions. Realize, though, that the path to hell is paved with good intentions. Human beings defy 'handling'. We are ornery, stubborn, rugged individualists. It is not something that can be safely ignored.

Myself, I believe there is a biological element to intelligence, but the larger factor by far is self-determined. Someone who makes the decision to read instead of watch TV, to think instead of react, that person will develop a greater intellect.

I call a horse a horse. Your ideas are blatantly socialist. Speaking as a human being, they frighten me, and turn my stomach.