1. Male Human beings are born with a foreskin that has an evolutionary purpose. We are not talking about the appendix here.
  2. The Hippocratic Oath says, "First, do no harm".
  3. Chopping healthy bits off of infants can't be right.
Anyone who supports non-religious circumcision has obviously never changed the diaper of a freshly circumsised boy.

And to the supporters of religious circumsicion, I ask this question: "Why is your religious practice of genitally mutilating males legal, but if I sacrifice a chicken to Baron Samedi in my front yard I risk arrest for cruelty to animals?"

The reason infant males are genitally mutilated in this country goes back to the Victorians. It was done, originally, with one specific purpose -- masturbation prevention. All the reasons that have been tacked on since are justifications, after-the-fact propoganda to mask the ugly fact that in America, sex is considered to be dirtier than murder.