Creative ways of displaying the Middle Finger

1. Produce a fist with hand of choice, turn invisible crank with other hand slowly erecting middle finger.

2. Hold up all fingers with hand of choice, fashion a gun out of other hand and shoot down all fingers shooting gallery style leaving only the middle finger...

3. Hold up all fingers with hand of choice, obtain a real gun, or something which will actually remove all fingers leaving only the middle finger *effective!*

4. Smile, give the thumbs up to enemy, then raise thumb to mouth and blow hard, "inflating" the middle finger.

5. Say: Oh let me draw a diagram for you... and draw a middle finger! perhaps two middle fingers!

6. Purposely raise incorrect finger on one hand, preferably ring finger, while secretly giving real middle finger off to the side on the other hand.

7. The entire time enemy is speaking to you, have middle finger discretely raised and at a key point start staring at it and smiling, or perhaps keep it entirely secret and tell your friends about it later.

8. Reach into pockets saying in casual voice: "Oh, I have something for you..." when you see their eyes wander to your pockets, its time to whip out middle fingers!

9. Raise all fingers except middle finger, then flip hand upside down.

10. Write "Middle Finger" on a different finger and hold that one up instead!

Added Kids fun bonus!: Hold up middle *3* fingers, and say "read between the lines" You will be king of the lunchroom! Share with family, teachers!

And yet more ...

  • Give someone the finger, but hold your hand upside-down with your palm facing in. Then say "Can you hear this? Want me to turn it up?" while rotating your hand upright. From The Breakfast Club. Contributed by hKath.

  • Produce a hand in the standard "middle finger extended" configuration and casually but deliberately use the finger to push your glasses up or scratch the bridge of your nose. Continue unnecessarily, lean back in your seat and/or accompany with a loud artificial yawn if the subject seems unaware. Contributed by Erik Fish.

  • The Robot

    Extend your hand far away from the body in a fist, fingers up. Reach over to your extended arm with your free arm. Now press an invisible button somewhere along your arm. As you are holding down this "invisible button", raise your middle finger at a moderate pace. While doing this, make sound effects. Something like "zzzzZZZZZtttssccchhhhh" should work nicely (just something that conjures an image of hydraulic machinery). When your middle finger is fully extended, release the button and quit making noises. For a twist, you may want to reach for a second imaginary button and press it down to retract your middle finger. Contributed by Antagony.

  • The Fishing Rod

    Start with one arm near you and ball your hand into a fist. Keep your arm vertical, fingers in, sort of like you are going to punch thyself in the chin. Now take your free hand and put it next to your closed fist. Your free arm will have your fingers facing away from you and you should leave all your fingers loose except for your thumb and forefinger which are loosely touching. Now you cast your line. Move both hands in a smooth motion, bringing them just over your shoulder, and then forwards in an arc. Upon reaching the end of the arc, flick your wrists, and pop out the middle finger on your "rod arm". Now you firmly pull back your arms, but have your free arm be cranking as if to be pulling in your line. Naturally, when reeling in the line, you will be simultaneously be curling your middle finger back into a fist. Contributed by Antagony.