Travels in Rome

I'm sitting here in EasyEverything in Rome, EasterBunny asleep in the baby backpack beside me. Our much-anticipated holiday has arrived at last, and I am overwhelmed by noistalgia.

It was always going to be a nostalgic trip. Sunpig and I have been to Rome together twice before, and we love it dearly. The narrow cobbled streets in the Centro Storico, leading to the Pantheon and the Piazza Navona, are perfect for slow, thoughtful rambles. We've done a lot of meandering through them since we arrived on Sunday, with the baby in the backpack.

But the feeling that we've been here before predates that. It came on us even before we arrived at our pensione just off the Piazza di Spagna, which we know from previous stays. No, that feeling of deja vu hit us in the airport, when our baggage failed to arrive on the carosel.

Last time we were here, sunpig's bag never arrived. It was stuck in Heathrow, and he wore new-bought clothes the whole time. This time, we bought only enough to last us a single day (though, with a one-year old, that comes to quite a lot). And our bags appeared the next afternoon! Then we were into the good nostalgia.

  • The Spanish Steps at sunset, crowded with flowers and backpackers
  • Breakfast in a cafĂ©...un capuccino, una Coca Cola Light, e tre cornetti, per favore
  • The Forum Romanum, heavy with the ages
  • The Pantheon, still my favourite building anywhere

And the new memories, not yet nostalgic:

  • The way all Romans, men and women of all ages, love a baby. They flirt with the Bunny, and he flirts back
  • Using the Euros we obtained in Dublin in January. So easy!
  • Gelato on a baby's shirt, dust from the Forum Romanum on his knees, and pasta sauce on his face

Gotta go. The baby's waking, and we need to get back to the pensione to get ready for dinner.
