Geta is a Japanese term used in the board game go. It is one of the two fundamental methods of capture, the other being shicho (or ladder in English). The English term for geta is net.

..........                    ..........
..........                    ..........
..........                    ..........
..O.......                    ..O.O.....  <--- this makes the geta,
..OX......                    ..OX......       and black is captured.
...OO.....                    ...OO.....
..........                    ..........
..........                    ..........

No matter what black (X) does, he cannot escape.

..........                    ..........
..........                    ..........
..........                    ..........
..O.O.....                    ..O.O.....  <--- still trapped
..OXX.....                    ..OXXO....      
...OO.....                    ...OO.....
..........                    ..........
..........                    ..........

..........                    ..........
..........                    ..........
..........                    ...O......
..OXO.....                    ..O.O.....  <--- resistance is futile,
..OXXO....                    ..O..O....       and black is captured.
...OO.....                    ...OO.....
..........                    ..........
..........                    ..........

Mastering this technique is a fundamental part of learning go strategy.

The prevailing thought is that the Japanese term, which means "wooden sandals", comes from the pattern of the stones (white "O" stones in this case). They vaguely look like the shape of the thongs on top of the clogs that you put your feet in.