An eigenvector of a matrix A is a vector x such that:

Ax = λx

For some scalar λ, which is called the eigenvalue. That is, x does not change direction when multiplied by A. As an example case, consider the matrix:

  [ 2  1 ]
  [ 0  3 ]

The eigenvalues of this matrix are 2 and 3. For the first eigenvector, corresponding to eigenvalue 2, rearrange the above equation to:

(A - λI)x = 0

Which is just finding the null space of AI. That matrix is:

  [ 0  1 ]
  [ 0  1 ]

A basis for the null space of this matrix, and thus the eigenvalue, is:

  [ 1 ]
  [ 0 ]

Do the same for eigenvalue 3 to get:

  [ 1 ]
  [ 1 ]

These form a basis for the column space of A. In general, the eigenvectors will always form this basis, so long as A is non-degenerate.

For further information, see MIT's OpenCourseWare (, which contains a fantastic set of video lectures on the subject.