So, this actually starts at around 12:30am this morning. I finish reading a bit of A Friend of the Earth by T. Coraghessan Boyle, turn off the light above my bed and get into sleepy-time ready position.

Uh oh.

A slight stomach ache.

The last two times I got food poisoning (the last was probably from bad mayonnaise just a few days before January 1, 2000) I had the same sort of dull ache in my stomach to start things off. As soon as I recall the vomiting and diarrhea I endured for that unfortunate lunch choice I feel a slight twing of fever.

I hope its just hypochondria getting the best of me but it isn't going away. So I get up and put a fan in my open window and turn it on low. It's not a warm night by any measure. Phew. That's better...the ache is still there though.

6:30am. Bzzzz goes the alarm. I jump out of bed and I remembered that I felt a little sick before I fell asleep. I do a system diagnostic and burp. Yep. My stomach wasn't happy with something I ate yesterday (macaroni and cheese perhaps?) but there's no serious fever, no impending liquidy bowel movement, and most thankfully, no nausea.

I continue to burp as the morning unfolds. My stomach isn't crying out for breakfast in its usual vigor but I do have an appetite. I wonder about the wisdom of eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in my current somewhat out of sorts condition but I decide to go ahead. It tastes pretty good actually, but the orange juice is what really hits the spot. Mmmmm...Vitamin C...mmmmm.

And so in the end I think my body managed to fight off a slight case of food poisoning. Still, I wonder what it might have touched this mini-sickness off. May have to toss the margarine...though I don't know if you can get sick from that like you can with butter. Thank you, white blood cells! Hope I'm not jinxing you.