Well, i'm feeling better. Only kinda though. After a whole bunch (abouthalf a dozen) quasi-hurls, and a few tums, i'm feeling better. My throat now has that burning sensation from the stomach acid tearing at the supple skin in your throat. I'm afraid to burp unless my head is over or near a toilet, because i'm afraid if i do, i'll have projectile vomit like stan from south park. yuck. i was talking to my girlfriend when i first started feeling bad tonight. i had to let her go, because i didnt want her to hear me throwing up.

My stomach has not been feeling the greatest all week actually. I had the cha-chas off and on for a little bit now, and it;s actualy been pissing me off. I either want to get sick, or get over it. none of this dinking around, let's get knocked on my ass and get it over with. I'm tired of feeling like shit and not beng able ot do anything about it. well it's off to chug some NyQuil, see if i can get some sleep tonight. but i'm kinda secretly hoping that i will get sick and i get to make myself not go to class.

one can only hope...