Ultimate Fighting Championship is also a bad-ass fighting game for the Sega Dreamcast by Crave Entertainment. Two contestants from a cast of around 30 UFC 'stars' square off in the cage, with a wide range of styles, moves, holds and other sneaky stuff at their disposal. The emphasis is on (ahem) precision timing, as fighters have the ability to catch each others blows in mid-execution, and can perform holds that can be reversed, broken out of or escalated to 'Tap-Out' moves with a button press and exactly the right moment.

Instead of the normal energy bar system, players have a two-colour bar that represents their overall 'health' and their stamina. A knockout can take place when either of these are depleted. UFC is rather different from most fighting games on console, and is also sufficiently different to (and not as lame as) WWF style games to deserve a look.

The presentation is rather lacklustre in places though, although the fighters and their wide range of animations are quite detailed. It's also ridiculously brutal. (Parents take note - you could learn some great tips for controlling your unruly kids here!)