Herpes Simplex II, when dormant, resides in the lower lumbar region of the spinal column. While pharmacological advances have been made in its treatment, many can cause unwanted side-effects. There are methods of relief (not cures) that can help alleviate outbreak symptoms and promote healing.


Hygiene and Comfort

Herpes thrives in warm, moist environments.
The best course here is to stay clean, cool and dry.

  • Bathing
    • Shower or bathe in lukewarm or cool water
      Use a gentle, hypoallergenic, non-scented soap or gel
      Dry gently, but thoroughly with a clean, soft towel
      (do not share towels during outbreaks
      as this may spread the virus!)
      A light application of corn starch based body
      powder may also reduce discomfort.
  • Clothing- Keywords here are loose and breathable
    • Cotton undergarments
        Boxers for men
        Briefs for women
      Loose slacks, dresses, skirts of lightweight fabric.
For nuclear outbreaks, ice pack therapy is suggested.