Send me your tear stained pillow, the one that you clutch to your heart in the middle of the night when you wake up and realize that you are alone.

Send me the evidence of your delicate dreams, dissolved into sugared ragged breaths, the smell of your imaginary conquests.

Send me the creases in your cheek, the lines and deep furrows of a night spent in unblinking melancholy - too tired to seek me out, too alone to feel at home.

Send it all to me, and I will tear at the dirty flannel of your nightmares with my teeth. I will burn it up with my rage at the unfairness of a feeling you can't control.

I'll send you mine, with the dream of a warm autumn night, and the capitalization of Love. I will ask you to breathe deep and remember that dreams fade.

And I'm here.

thanks to The Smiths for a phrase to invoke tears - from Some Girls are Bigger Than Others.