Fun with Node Tracker

I posted Rear Echelon Mother Fucker at Mon Dec 15 2008 at 20:18:24

Normally I don't get many votes one way or another at all, unless I post something, but this is the biggest response I've got in quite a while. At Monday, December 15, 2008 at 21:06:03 Node Tracker reports (beside the votes on Rear Echelon Mother Fucker): 

-5 (+10/-15)   -1          0        December 4, 2008
+15 (+18/-3)   -1          0        November 27, 2008
+5 (+8/-3)     -1          0        Wealth of Nations
+11 (+12/-1)   -1          0        bloodless revolution
+9 (+18/-9)    -1          1        November 13, 2008
+7 (+14/-7)    -1          0        The infinite monkeys investment theorem
+9 (+15/-6)    -1          1        Reconciling Property Rights with Conquest
+10 (+16/-6)   -1          0        September 30, 2008
+7 (+11/-4)    -1          0        September 25, 2008
+4 (+5/-1)     -1          0        September 12, 2008
+0 (+8/-8)     -1          0        October 20, 2007
-3 (+13/-16)   -1          0        the miracle of consciousness
+1 (+26/-25)   -1          0        October 16, 2003
+35 (+61/-26)  -1          0        December 10, 2002
-1 (+2/-3)     -1          0        operating profit
+0 (+34/-34)   -1          0        March 30, 2002
+7 (+32/-25)   -1          0        March 10, 2002
+0 (+3/-3)     -1          0        Immortal Lucidity
+0 (+3/-3)     -1          0        Immortal Lucidity: Introduction
-3 (+1/-4)     -1          0        Immortal Lucidity: Baggage
-2 (+2/-4)     -1          0        Immortal Lucidity: Elemental Sheet

21 downvotes in 48 mintues (assuming they started downvoting immediately after my last post) - approximately 2 minutes per downvote. I wonder if I hit a nerve?

Monday, December 15, 2008 at 23:32:27 update:
Looks like someone systematically upvoted 5 of my nodes in response. Thanks, whoever you are =)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 18:42:39 update:
I don't want to sound ungrateful, but it seems others have decided to systematically upvote 49 more of my nodes... let's not get carried away here =D