She watched the sunset everyday. The first time wasn't intentional.

She happened to be crossing the highway overpass that day, not really reacting to anything around her, sniffling.

Her pace slowed as she saw the cars whizzing by below her. She stared at them for a few seconds, and then at the railing. She stopped in the middle, watching each car come and go below.

Her hand reached out and tentatively touched the railing. She was trembling. She paused longer than she had wanted, blinking away the tears she was trying to hold back. She made no attempt to wipe them from her face.

The wind picked up. Hair blew into her eyes and stuck to her cheeks. She couldn't stop watching the cars below, even though she wanted to. It was then that she noticed the sun setting.

It distracted her long enough to forget about the cars. She released the railing as darkness descended on the highway. After waiting a few more minutes, she continued her way to the other side.

The next day she was back, stone-faced. She was there specifically for the sun this time. She had checked the time on the internet.

Days passed into weeks, and weeks into months. Her clothes became thicker, and she was wearing boots on the days with snow on the ground, crunching beneath her feet.

Eventually those thick clothes gave way again, as the days of melt began, her jeans often wet with water from the road. Summer came and she would still be watching the sunset from above the highway, ignoring the mosquitoes buzzing around her head.

Months passed into years, and she became a fixture there, for a brief period each day that changed with the seasons, rather than human time.