The old (Dutch) spelling of Bahasa Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia used to be spelled more in line with Dutch pronunciation than it is currently. I believe the change was made at the time it was declared the official language after World War II, or some time thereafter.
Some examples are:
  • dj became j, as in:
    • Djakarta -> Jakarta
    • djangan -> jangan
  • oe became u, as in:
    • Bandoeng -> Bandung
    • soedah -> sudah
    • doeloe -> dulu
    • doerian -> durian
As for the two variants of the language, namely Malay and Indonesian, the difference goes further than just spelling. A lot of words were borrowed from the 'occupying' language. In Malay from English, in Indonesian from Dutch.
For example:
  • knalpot (old Dutch: knalpot) for exhaust pipe (of a car)
  • polisi (Dutch: politie) for police
  • pabrik (Dutch: fabriek) for factory
  • paspor (Dutch: paspoort) for passport
  • abonemen (Dutch: abonnement) for subscription (e.g. for a magazine)
Of course, English and Dutch are also related, so the word for police is nearly identical in both Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia (IIRC, in Bahasa Malaysia it is polis).

As for written plurals in Bahasa Indonesia, the short form for these is to append a superscript '2' to the plural form of a word. For example:
  • anak2 is short for anak-anak, the plural of anak, which means child
  • angan2 is short for angan-angan